ニュース:Marine Litter News vol.3-2発行
韓国のNGO"OSEAN"が編集しています「Marine Litter News」の vol.3-2が発行されました。下のpdfをダウンロードしてください。


1. Publishing an activity book for young children (Korea)
2. Workshop on debris from EPS floats held (Korea)
3. Response to the flotsam at the West Coast of North America that originated from the tsunami caused by the
3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake (Japan)
4. First Kansai "Marine Litter Summit" Ended on a High Note (Japan)
5. The exchange of beach cleanup experience in Macau (Taiwan)
6. Marine debris monitoring, a tough challenge for both Taiwan and China (Taiwan)
7. From the beach cleanup to chaning mindset (Thailand)
8. Research result on the impacts of marine debris on wildlife in Korea (Korea)
9. Plastics in the stomach of Tuna caught in Central North Pacific (Japan)
1. Publishing an activity book for young children (Korea)
2. Workshop on debris from EPS floats held (Korea)
3. Response to the flotsam at the West Coast of North America that originated from the tsunami caused by the
3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake (Japan)
4. First Kansai "Marine Litter Summit" Ended on a High Note (Japan)
5. The exchange of beach cleanup experience in Macau (Taiwan)
6. Marine debris monitoring, a tough challenge for both Taiwan and China (Taiwan)
7. From the beach cleanup to chaning mindset (Thailand)
8. Research result on the impacts of marine debris on wildlife in Korea (Korea)
9. Plastics in the stomach of Tuna caught in Central North Pacific (Japan)